Important update for all #zapstream creators.

zapstream Jan 28, 2025

Important update for all #zapstream creators.

Due to abuse of the free streaming credit (1,000 sats) by people spinning up accounts to stream for free while broadcasting pirated / licensed content on zapstream, the free credits have been disabled by Kieran.

This shouldn't have any impact on existing users and if you're new and you'd like to try out zapstream, tag Kieran on nostr (or discord) and he'll add the credit manually. Or, tag me and I'll zap you some sats to get you started.

Side note for anyone already streaming on zapstream. "Free speech" doesn't mean that you can re-broardcast licensed content or pirated movies. While you might be hiding behind a VPN, zapstream doesn't and Kieran has to deal with the DMCA notices. Please bear that in mind and happy streaming.

This post and comments are published on Nostr.



Sovereign, creator of Bitcoin, future owner of Mars. nCGO - Chief Gaming Officer of nostr and resident streamer on zapstream. 0863F34D0311FC550226F06A376B54D5650980FB