Today is the launch date of…

diabloiv Oct 08, 2024

Today is the launch date of the new #DiabloIV expansion and season.
With this expansion Blizzard introduces the new character class Spiritborn, a new region, new campaign as well as major changes to levelling, the tier system, endgame content and more.

If you're a Diablo fan then I recommend watching this recent dev stream. If you want to check out the new content, I'll be grinding the expansion with the nostr #DiabloIVgang starting later today on #zapstream.
#gaming #gamestr #streaming #nostrgaming



Sovereign, creator of Bitcoin, future owner of Mars. nCGO - Chief Gaming Officer of nostr and resident streamer on zapstream. 0863F34D0311FC550226F06A376B54D5650980FB